Saturday, May 31, 2008

Blood Pressure and Alcohol

The Dangerous Relationship between High Blood Pressure and Alcohol.

As much as blood pressure is affected by various states of the body throughout the day, as well as various diseases that are seen in many people, it can also be affected by outside influences such as food and drinks. Specifically, alcoholic drinks are a major factor that influences blood pressure in a person. It is important that more people pay attention to the relationship between alcohol and blood pressure because it is such an important relationship that could very well determine whether or not you are a healthy or unhealthy individual. Drinking alcohol could also increase the chance of other medical issues which may then indirectly lead to an increase in blood pressure.

Regular drinkers are exceptionally prone to having high blood pressure, because they harm their kidneys in such a way that more pressure is exerted on arteries and such, since the kidneys are closely connected with blood pressure. Drinkers should limit the amount they drink to one or two drinks every day or so. Women should be expecially careful as to how much they drink because their tolerance is normally lower than a man’s. If blood pressure becomes a strong problem due to drinking, doctors are very likely to administer some strong medicine to a person.

Alcohol also causes some people to become overweight. At the very least, it is a contributing factor to being overweight, due the number of calories alcohol contains. That beer gut people get after downing a six pack a day is not only making you look bad, chances are it’s also raising your blood pressure to dangerously high levels. After all, the more fat a person has on them, the more pressure that fat is going to put on arteries, which will, in turn, raise the pressure of the blood pressing against those arteries.

Because of the strong correlation between alcohol and high blood pressure, it is plain to see that drinking less is going to drastically help keep a person’s blood pressure down. Besides the other obvious health risks that could be avoided by drinking less, not having to worry about a high blood pressure could be one of the best to consider. Physicians with patients who have a high blood pressure should give out regulations and limits in regards to drinking in order to better prepare people for the consequences they could encounter.

Even you can do yoga as an exercise for your health. Before practicing yoga, consult your physician.

To know more about Mean arterial pressure - changing blood pressure in human physiology and biology

To know more about What causes your high blood pressure or your low blood pressure?

To know more about the treatments for High Blood Pressure - Medications and Natural Remedies for lowering high blood pressure.

To know more about natural medications for controlling high blood pressure.

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Friday, May 30, 2008

Low Blood Pressure - Effects of Low Blood Pressure

Low Blood Pressure - Effects of Low blood pressure in your body.

There are a lot of different effects that blood pressure can have on a body. Most think about hypertension otherwise known as high blood pressure. However having low blood pressure can cause problems as well. Hypotension can be serious and it should be taken care of immediately. Having low blood pressure can affect the brain and could as a result cause more problems that can not be fixed or even fatal.

The most known reason for having hypotension is having decreased blood volume that is known as hypovolemia. There are many reasons why this is a problem that can occur in this way. Most of them have to do with problem with the nervous system in the brain. There are other causes that will include some medicines that can have hypovolemia as a side effect. Because low blood pressure has these affects and is a result of problems with such an important part of the body, it makes hypotension even more serious than having high blood pressure.

One type of problem related to hypotension that should be considered is orthostatic hypotension. This is also known as postural hypotension and is one of the more common forms of low blood pressure. It can occur because of a change in the body’s position. An example would be standing up from a sitting or lying down position can briefly lower the blood flow in the body. Because of this, you can become dizzy, and can be noticed on a regular basis by many. Another more serious type of the syndrome can be brought on by medications of the physical and the psychiatric topic.

There is another form of hypotension that is less common than orthostatic hypotension. It is known as postprandial hypotension and will occur 30-75 minutes after you have eaten. Digestion of food can send a large dose of the blood to the digestive system and due to this the autonomic nervous system must compensate to increase the body’s heart rate and find make more blood pump. Orthostatic hypotension can affect the autonomic nervous system, making it even weaker than it already is. It is also a sign of a failing autonomic nervous system maybe because of age or something else completely.

Hypotension is just as severe as hypertension. Even though the two may sound the same, their affects on the body are very different. However they are both cause for concern and should be checked out immediately especially since having low blood pressure could affect the brain and this is the most important part of the body.

Even you can do yoga as an exercise for your health. Before practicing yoga, consult your physician.

To know more about Mean arterial pressure - changing blood pressure in human physiology and biology

To know more about What causes your high blood pressure or your low blood pressure?

To know more about the treatments for High Blood Pressure - Medications and Natural Remedies for lowering high blood pressure.

To know more about natural medications for controlling high blood pressure.

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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Blood Pressure Medications and Natural Remedies

Treatments for High Blood Pressure - Medications and Natural Remedies for lowering high blood pressure.

There are many things that you can do to naturally lower your blood pressure, and there are also many medications that you can take to make sure that your blood pressure stays as low as possible for your body.

First of all, you need to be sure that you are always eating a diet that is low in fat and cholesterol. This is your best defense against high blood pressure. If you can incorporate healthy food into your life as something that you are always doing, you are going to find that you are able to lower your blood pressure at least a little bit simply by eating the right foods. This is important to do, and it is important to start right now.

Eating healthy food is something that can help your body, but it is something that you have to keep up and something that you have to do for a long time. If you have been in the habit of eating foods that are bad for you, you are going to find that it takes a long time for a healthy diet to make a real difference. However, you shouldn’t give up, because it is something that will do wonders for you.

You should also be sure that you are getting plenty of exercise. This is something that is important, but you have to make sure that it is the right kind. Remember that the best kind of exercise for lowering your blood pressure is something that gets your heart moving. You want to make sure that your heart is very healthy, and that you are getting enough exercise.

However, it might be that even though you are eating right and getting enough exercise, you still have to deal with high blood pressure. This might be because you have abused your body for awhile and you need to have some time for your body to heal. It might be that you have been eating a high fat diet for many years, and you need to take the time to get your body back to where it should be. Or it might be that you have a condition that makes you have high blood pressure, even if you don’t do anything wrong. In these cases, it might become important to use blood pressure medication.

Blood pressure medication will help you to regulate your blood pressure. Talk to your doctor about the different medications, and what they can do for you when it comes to lowering your blood pressure. There are also a variety of natural techniques, like acupuncture and massage that can be used to lower your blood pressure. Look into all of these options before finding one that is right for you.

Even you can do yoga as an exercise for your health. Before practicing yoga, consult your physician.

To know more about Mean arterial pressure - changing blood pressure in human physiology and biology

To know more about What causes your high blood pressure or your low blood pressure?

To know more about the treatments for High Blood Pressure - Medications and Natural Remedies for lowering high blood pressure.

To know more about natural medications for controlling high blood pressure.

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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Cholesterol - Check your health and learn about cholesterol

Check your health by learning about Cholesterol.

You will know that just how healthy you are when you check your cholesterol on a regularly basis. You will also find that your doctor will break down that report so that you have several numbers and a real understanding of just how healthy you are. With all the medical advances that you will come across you’ll be able to know exactly what part of your cholesterol is out of control and how your overall progress is doing.

You will be getting the numbers with an explanation, but it still can be very confusing. It is very difficult to explain what you are told to someone else. You will want to get a cholesterol testing kit so that you can test yourself in the comfort of your own home. You may find that it is difficult to understand the kit, but if you learn how to do the math, then you will be able to understand your results and the numbers.

You will first be given a number for your bad cholesterol that is often referred to as low density lipids cholesterol. This is commonly referred to as “bad cholesterol” and you can remember this by using the L to stand for Lower—you want to be sure to lower this type of cholesterol. The bad cholesterol will end up making about 65-75% of your total cholesterol, however, you should make sure that your total number is at least lower than 130. Because LDL cholesterol is the type that causes heart attacks, if you have other risk factors such as obesity or a family history of heart disease, you want to keep this number even lower, less than 100 if possible. Your diet is very important in many ways, but it will lower your bad cholesterol levels.

You will then realize that your second number is your good cholesterol or HDL. This is high density lipid cholesterol. You can always remember that your HDL is healthy by remembering the link to the “h”. You will want this to be of at least 35 or higher for men, but 40 or higher for women. Women have an easier time raising HDL levels than men do, but this can be done through exercise and not smoking.

As for your last number, you will fid that it is your total cholesterol level that will add both your good and bad together. You will find that if you keep your LDL and HDL levels normal, then you will be able to have a good total cholesterol level. However, you should consult your doctor if you have any questions about your cholesterols and the numbers. They will be able to place you on medication so that you can have a healthy life with the cholesterol under control.

Even you can do yoga as an exercise for your health. Before practicing yoga, consult your physician.

To know more about Cholesterol and Trigylcerides.

To know more about how cholesterol effects on men and women?

To know more about the link in high cholesterol in diabetics.

To know more about How to Self Test High Cholesterol and Avoid Heart Attack or Stroke?

To know more about the usage of Statin Drugs for high cholesterol.

To know more about Low cholesterol - Is it dangerous?

To know more about stroke and detail information about stroke.

To know more about Lipid altering medication

To know more about Is soy is powerful for your body?

To know more about how to check your health by reading cholesterol details?

To know more about how to prevent high blood pressure?

To know more about the benefits of early monitoring of blood pressure. 

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Monday, May 26, 2008

Soy - is it (SOY) powerful for your body?

Soy - Do you think that soy is powerful for your body?

Soy use is relatively new. You will find that there are tons of health benefits that you will be able to get from soy, but you will also want to include it into your diet regardless of the risk for heart disease, if you may have it. You should know that most vegetarians will eat soy as a substitute for meat, but it will also allow patients to lower your high cholesterol levels. You will want to check with your doctor about adding soy to your diet.

There are a lot of doctors that recommend that you replace meat with soy so that you can avoid the bad fats, but get the protein that you need. At this rate, daily, soy has been proven to lower cholesterol. Even the FDA or the Food and drug Administration has noticed the effects of soy and how it can greatly reduce your risk of heart disease. Cholesterol clogs veins and arteries with a fatty substance that hardens to produce plaque; too much plaque in the arteries can close them completely, causing a heart attack. If you eat soy, you’ll be to reduce your cholesterol levels in your blood so that you can avoid build up in your arteries and heart. Lowering the amount of cholesterol by eating more soy can also reduce your risk for having a stroke.

You will also notice that the benefit that you will get from using soy in your diet does not just stop at helping you with cholesterol. You will also find that it can help women with their hormone troubles during menopause. The health benefits of soy do not stop at lowering cholesterol, however. Soy is also very beneficial for menopausal women, since it increases estrogen levels.

Then that will reduce the effects of menopause such as night sweats and hot flashes. Because it has been known to raise estrogen levels in the body, eating soy can also be very beneficial for men trying to treat prostate cancer. There are still some studies being done about how good soy can help you lose weight and deal with diabetes.

You will find that soy is a healthy food that can help you with many things including menopause. You can also use it to lower your cholesterol levels, but also make yourself generally healthy. You will want to ask your doctor about the effects of soy and how it may help you fight to become healthier. You will find that your doctor will fill you in with all the wonders and questions that you might have about adding soy to your diet and by using soy and exercise to make you healthier. You will want to add things like fruits, veggies, and grains so that you can have a stronger and longer healthy life.

Even you can do yoga as an exercise for your health. Before practicing yoga, consult your physician.

To know more about Cholesterol and Trigylcerides.

To know more about how cholesterol effects on men and women?

To know more about the link in high cholesterol in diabetics.

To know more about How to Self Test High Cholesterol and Avoid Heart Attack or Stroke?

To know more about the usage of Statin Drugs for high cholesterol.

To know more about Low cholesterol - Is it dangerous?

To know more about stroke and detail information about stroke.

To know more about Lipid altering medication

To know more about Is soy is powerful for your body?

To know more about how to check your health by reading cholesterol details?

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To know more about the benefits of early monitoring of blood pressure. 

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Lipid Altering Medication - should you be taking Lipid Altering Medication?

Lipid Altering Medication - Should you be taking it?

You are aware that high cholesterol can be very dangerous to your heart disease and you will find that other serious health problems like a stroke. You will find that the doctor will suggest that you change your diet and lifestyle, but then there are some people are just need a little more. Lipid is a drug that is prescribed to those who have high cholesterol and keep it under control and keeping it under control. When it comes to the LDL cholesterol and triglycerides you will find just what undesirable lipids are for.

If you have lipids that are undesirable can cause you to have a serious medical issue. If you are at risk, you may want to talk to your doctor, because there is no way for you to judge your cholesterol without getting tested. If you are at risk, you may be able to get what’s best for you and a situation like this; a situation that you correct.

Some of the prescriptions that you can get for high lipids include meds like statins and fibrates, not to mention cholesterol adsorption inhibitors. Statins lower cholesterol and assist in the prevention of cholesterol being produced within the body. Fibrates are commonly prescribed with them and you’ll be able to use the lipid-lowering meds to help you eliminate triglycerides from your body. There are a few different types of fibrates, but gemfibrozil is most commonly prescribed because it is the most effective one that has the fewest possible side effects. If you use cholesterol absorption inhibitors, you will find that you can have a good start to a long fight against high cholesterol. They are safer for people who have had trouble with side effects of statins and are looking for an alternative. It lowers triglycerides and significantly reduces levels of bad cholesterol.

There are some people who simply prefer to have a more natural way of treating their high lipids. You will want to take some vitamins so that you can reduce your bad lipids, but also increase your good cholesterol. Niacin is a B vitamin that is taken in large doses in order to lower the total cholesterol amount, triglycerides, and bad cholesterol, as well as increasing the amount of good cholesterol. This is something that you can take without prescription, but you will want to just with your doctor about using these vitamins and you will not want to take large amounts of them either.

Your doctor should monitor you so that they can see if your body is responding favorably and no additional problems arise. You may also want to think about things like fiber and soy so that you are able to find something natural for you to consume and help you with the bad lipids that are in your body and blood.

Natural lipid medications and also prescriptions will help reduce a lot of your bad cholesterol or lipids and it may save you from developing other diseases or issues. You will want to check everything out with your doctor before you begin taking them. Vitamins should not be mixed with certain meds and that is
why you will even want to ask your doctor if you are able to take such vitamins.

Even you can do yoga as an exercise for your health. Before practicing yoga, consult your physician.

To know more about Cholesterol and Trigylcerides.

To know more about how cholesterol effects on men and women?

To know more about the link in high cholesterol in diabetics.

To know more about How to Self Test High Cholesterol and Avoid Heart Attack or Stroke?

To know more about the usage of Statin Drugs for high cholesterol.

To know more about Low cholesterol - Is it dangerous?

To know more about stroke and detail information about stroke.

To know more about Lipid altering medication

To know more about Is soy is powerful for your body?

To know more about how to check your health by reading cholesterol details?

To know more about how to prevent high blood pressure?

To know more about the benefits of early monitoring of blood pressure.

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Read more about psychic power, an introduction to psychic powers. You can get more details about cosmic meditation and energy body.

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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Stroke - Information about Stroke

Stroke - Information about What a troke is.

When an artery becomes blocked or broken you will find that you are at risk for neuro damage and a stroke. It is a very common condition that will leave a person extremely disabled. This can cause your brain cells to die and it is not something that you can fix or repair. One of the most common types of strokes is known as the Ischemic stroke. You will find that it is caused by an artery. Depending on the person, you may have different side effects from the stroke that may not be too disabling, but it could also leave you completely crippled. It is important that you do everything that you can to not end up taking a stroke and that you will not have to deal with these types of disadvantages in life.

Did you know that the right and left side of the brain will control different sides of your body?. The two sides control the opposite side of the body so if paralysis occurs it will likely only be to one half of your body. If you happen to have a stroke and it affects the right part of your brain you will lose your vision. One the other hand, strokes affecting the left side may cause speech problems as a result. Any brain cells that die will cause memory loss and paralysis that may take over parts or the entire side of your body.

Your high cholesterol is the leading cause of having clogged arteries and that will cause you to have a stroke or heart attack. It is also related directly to developing heart disease, which makes you susceptible to heart related problems, which include stroke and heart attack. The doctor that you go to will be able to test your cholesterol levels at any time in your life, but you should get it checked once you become 18 or older. Don’t wait to get checked out.

Being overweight, smoking, poor diet, lack of physical activity, and genetics can all be causes of elevated levels that may cause you harm. Also, to fight your chances of a stroke, you will want to use exercise and a diet to help you battle your high cholesterol. It may also be necessary to restrict your diet to get rid of sugars and saturated fats because they can cause elevated levels of bad cholesterol. You may also want to ask your doctor about certain medications that you can take to control your cholesterol.

Your friends and family will suggest that you go see a doctor so that you can avoid the horrors of a stroke. You will want to get annual physicals and regular check ups to see if you are at risk for a stroke or heart disease. With the high cholesterol, you will be at risk for a stroke and you will need to be kept under strict control to help prevent this disease from taking effects on you.

Even you can do yoga as an exercise for your health. Before practicing yoga, consult your physician.

To know more about Cholesterol and Trigylcerides.

To know more about how cholesterol effects on men and women?

To know more about the link in high cholesterol in diabetics.

To know more about How to Self Test High Cholesterol and Avoid Heart Attack or Stroke?

To know more about the usage of Statin Drugs for high cholesterol.

To know more about Low cholesterol - Is it dangerous?

To know more about stroke and detail information about stroke.

To know more about Lipid altering medication

To know more about Is soy is powerful for your body?

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To know more about the benefits of early monitoring of blood pressure.

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Friday, May 23, 2008

Low Cholesterol - is it dangerous?

Low Cholesterol can be dangerous.

You will find that when your doctor talks to you about your cholesterol levels they will begin to put a lot of fear in your head. High cholesterol is a long term problem that will lead to serious things like heart disease and strokes (which can be deadly), however, you will find that you can lower your risks and take steps to make sure that you lead a healthy and full feeling life. You will find that you may suffer from lower levels, but you may also be high, however, you will need to talk to your doctor about how you can bring your cholesterol back to normal through various methods.

There are many factors that will contribute to you have low cholesterol in your body. Anything lower than 160 mg/dL is considered abnormally low and should be carefully monitored by doctors. You will find that hypocholesterolemia, liver disease, malabsorption, celiac disease, malnutrition, and a manganese deficiency could one of the money factors that will cause you to have too low cholesterol. A small percentage of people also have very low levels of cholesterol in the blood steam due to abetalipoproteinemia, a rare genetic disease.

Abetalipoproteinemia is a condition that mainly affects the Jewish population and not only causes low cholesterol levels, but also causes vitamin deficiencies and an inability to grow and gain weight at a normal rate. Hypobetalipoproteinemia is a rare genetic disease that is caused by a gene defect, but it will also make the cholesterol levels lower in the blood system. Low cholesterol, lastly, can be caused if medications used to treat high cholesterol are used improperly.

There is a common concern throughout the medical community about the lower cholesterol levels. In general, low cholesterol goes hand-in-hand with poor health. Thus, mortality rates rise with low cholesterol. There are some common problems when it comes to the low cholesterol that includes thinks like issues with the respiratory system, depression, hemorrhagic stroke and more. However, studies are still being done to test theories about these problems and their link to low cholesterol levels in the body. When it comes to the links for depression, you will want to be sure that you ask your doctor to check out your cholesterol levels because you may be suffering from depression because of your low cholesterol. Elderly patients should also be especially mindful of low cholesterol.

When it comes to cholesterol levels, you will want to control your levels, but you will not limit it. You will find that if you watch what you eat, then you will be able to help your cholesterol levels to be normal, unless you have some rare disease that may prohibit you from doing so.

Even you can do yoga as an exercise for your health. Before practicing yoga, consult your physician.

To know more about Cholesterol and Trigylcerides.

To know more about how cholesterol effects on men and women?

To know more about the link in high cholesterol in diabetics.

To know more about How to Self Test High Cholesterol and Avoid Heart Attack or Stroke?

To know more about the usage of Statin Drugs for high cholesterol.

To know more about Low cholesterol - Is it dangerous?

To know more about stroke and detail information about stroke.

To know more about Lipid altering medication

To know more about Is soy is powerful for your body?

To know more about how to check your health by reading cholesterol details?

To know more about how to prevent high blood pressure?

To know more about the benefits of early monitoring of blood pressure.

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Read more about psychic power, an introduction to psychic powers. You can get more details about cosmic meditation and energy body.

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