Yoga - How to Start Yoga?
Need of Yoga teacher:
You can get audio or video tapes that give breathing instruction and teach relaxation techniques at health food stores, bookstores, and by mail order. It's probably fine to learn breath and relaxation from a tape or booklet, but don't try the yoga exercises without a skilled teacher. He or she can make corrections, caution you when necessary, and help you to adapt poses, if you need to.
How to find a yoga instructor?
Yoga Certified Teacher:
Yoga instructors aren't required to be certified, but many are, through many different programs. Ask prospective teachers if they are certified. A certified teacher isn't necessarily better than someone who isn't certified, but it's something to consider.
Yoga is fun, healthy, and calming. It's a wise way handed down over several thousands of years. There is little danger in yoga, and even a little progress brings with it freedom and peace of mind.
Precautions for Diabetes:
Although most people with diabetes can exercise safely, exercise involves some risks. To shift the benefit-to-risk ratio in your favor, take these precautions:
Have a medical exam before you begin your exercise program, including an exercise test with EKG monitoring, especially if you have cardiovascular disease, you are over 35, you have high blood pressure or elevated cholesterol levels, you smoke, or you have a family history of heart disease.
Discuss with your doctor any unusual symptoms that you experience during or after exercise such as discomfort in your chest, neck, jaw, or arms; nausea, dizziness, fainting, or excessive shortness of breath; or short-term changes in vision.
If you have diabetes-related complications, check with your healthcare team about special precautions. Consider exercising in a medically supervised program, at least initially, if you have peripheral vascular disease, retinopathy, autonomic neuropathy, or kidney problems.
Learn how to prevent and treat low blood glucose levels (hypoglycemia). If you take oral agents or insulin, monitor your blood glucose levels before, during, and after exercise.
If you have type I, and your blood glucose is above 250 milligrams per deciliter, check your urine for ketones. Don't exercise if ketones are present, because exercise will increase your risk of ketoacidosis and coma.
Always warm up and cool down.
If possible, try to find a yoga teacher near you.
Visit and find YOGA - What is Yoga?
Visit if you have interest in knowing the Yoga History - Information about Yoga - History of Yoga.
Get the complete details about YOGA - Origins of Yoga.
Do you know what is Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras - Eight astanga or limbs of yoga - Yoga Sutras by Patanjali
If you've got time, spend some time with meditation ;)
Learn some meditation techniques:
- Breathing Meditation
- Insight Meditation
- Chakra Meditation
- Christian Meditation
- Guided Meditation
- Healing Meditation
- Hong Sau Meditation
- Japa Meditation
- Morning Meditation
- New Age Meditation
- Night Meditation
- Walking Meditation
- Zen Meditation
- Meditation for Stress Relief
- Meditation Techniques
- Meditation benefits
- What is needed for Meditation
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