YOGA Treatment - Cure through Yoga
Yoga for health ailments and illnesses:
Yoga in a popular position Yoga, one of the world's oldest forms of exercise, is experiencing a rebirth in our stressful modern world. You wouldn't think that a 3000-year-old exercise could increase its popularity. But yoga is now being prescribed even by some medical practitioners for a range of health ailments and illnesses, as a stress reliever and to complement other fitness programs.
Talk to anyone who practices yoga and they will quickly extol an endless list of benefits. It seems beginners quickly become converts. They believe it is the key to good health and happiness in today's world _ a common goal for most people. But probably the greatest advertisement for yoga is the fact that it seems to have graduated from the weird and alternative ranks into a position of fairly wide community acceptance.
Yoga - a way of life:
Housewives, businessmen, sportspeople, teenagers and the aged are all practicing a variety of yoga positions, meditation and associated breathing exercises. For many, yoga becomes a way of life _ often giving a more spiritual side to people's lives, although not necessarily linked to religion. One school of belief maintains that chronic and accumulated stress is the reason for many of our modern illnesses.
Yoga - Holistic approach to health and fitness:
Yoga therapy:
Perhaps one of yoga's major attractions is that it combines physical and mental exercise. It is excellent for posture and flexibility, both key physical elements for most sports-people, and in some respects, there are strength benefits to be gained. Yoga teachers say that the approach of yoga therapy is one of the most effective ways of achieving the mental edge that athletes seek.
Eight components to yoga therapy:
Marian Fenlon, one of Brisbane's leading yoga teachers of the past 20 years, is the author of two books on the subject and has had thousands of yoga pupils. Many of them have, in turn, become teachers. Believe it or not, she has even taught yoga to footballers. Many years ago, she took Brisbane Souths rugby league team for an eight-week course and, amazingly, it was well-received.
She says there are eight components to yoga therapy - attitudes, disciplines, posture and flexibility, breathing, sensory awareness, concentration, contemplation and meditation. Yoga can play a substantial supporting role to modern medicine, and complement other fitness and exercise programs. While there is no great component of aerobic fitness in yoga therapy, it complements aerobic exercise because of breathing techniques that can be learned.
Yoga for cure:
So there are advantages for even the most demanding of aerobic sports - swimming, cycling and running. There are numerous documented cases of yoga relieving or curing serious illnesses - such as Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, and respiratory illnesses like asthma and emphysema.
Always warm up and cool down.
If possible, try to find a yoga teacher near you.
Visit and find YOGA - What is Yoga?
Visit if you have interest in knowing the Yoga History - Information about Yoga - History of Yoga.
Get the complete details about YOGA - Origins of Yoga.
Do you know what is Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras - Eight astanga or limbs of yoga - Yoga Sutras by Patanjali
It's time. How to start Yoga?
Find the usefulness of YOGA - Exercises as YOGA - YOGA EXERCISES.
How to avoid stress? Get YOGA - Breathing and Relaxing for Stressful Situation.
Do you know what is chakras? YOGA CHAKRAS - The Seven Chakras
Visit and find about YOGA - ASANAS - Hatha Yoga.
Find some YOGA Sitting Postures - Basic Yoga Sitting Postures with Benefits.
Know some Yoga Postures - Basic Yoga Postures and their Variations.
More YOGA Posturing: Introduction about YOGA Postures.
Find details about Yoga and Common Sense - Fitness for the Unfit.
For Relieving Stress, YOGA - Cure for Modern Day Stresses - Strees Management by YOGA.
If you've got time, spend some time with meditation ;)
Learn some meditation techniques:
- Breathing Meditation
- Insight Meditation
- Chakra Meditation
- Christian Meditation
- Guided Meditation
- Healing Meditation
- Hong Sau Meditation
- Japa Meditation
- Morning Meditation
- New Age Meditation
- Night Meditation
- Walking Meditation
- Zen Meditation
- Meditation for Stress Relief
- Meditation Techniques
- Meditation benefits
- What is needed for Meditation
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