Saturday, September 25, 2010

YOGA Treatment - Applications in Cancer Treatment

YOGA Treatment - Applications in Cancer Treatment

A cure for cancer exists through the use of yoga, a San Antonio, Texas, cancer specialist said during a seminar in Oklahoma City in the 1980s.

But physicians refused to acknowledge the cure, said Col. Hansa Raval, M.D., a pathologist with the United States Army. Dr. Raval said her work in cytotechnology _ a diagnostic branch of medicine designed to pinpoint early stages of cancer _ was fruitless until she began researching the use of non-conventional methods of treatment.

The specialist said she witnessed the use of Raja yoga and meditation cure crippling arthritis, headaches and even cancer.

And even though Raval offers proof, which she said was collected during two years of study at the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University in India, she has been dismissed by other members of the medical profession as a kook.

Yoga's success as a treatment method is due to another hypothesis Raval proposes that 98 percent of all cancer is psychosomatic.

This is not chanting or mantra reciting, the physician said. It's not based on scriptures. It's not a cult. It's not biofeedback. It's deeper than that. This is a full-proof method of meditation, a detailed understanding of what the soul is.

Raval maintains that medical schools belittle the study of non-conventional methods of cancer treatment in favor of conventional methods such as radiation, chemotherapy, and treatment through machines.'


Medical schools teach students that the human being is only a body. But the mind has the power to cure the body. By definition, psychosomatic means a combination of mind, or soul and body.

The soul creates the disease, but the body suffers. If the psyche creates the disease, the only way to cure it is through the psyche. It's a very simple formula: treating the seed of the problem.


Further, studies in parapsychology all point to the treatment of illness through treatment of the soul.
A yoga class.Image via Wikipedia
World Spiritual University:

The World Spiritual University, which has branches in 30 countries, teaches peace and perfection for health and happiness through the use of Raja yoga. The university gained status as a non-governmental member of the United Nations and has offices at the U.N. building in New York.

Raja yoga:

Raja yoga teaches students to search their soul world for answers on where they came from and why the cancer entered their body. They learn what role religion, stress, family and lifestyle played in the cancer.

Yoga is not only meant to make us young, beautiful or creative, but to aid us in quieting the mind, body and emotions that we may awaken enlightened consciousness & know the Self within.

Always warm up and cool down.

Don't exercise outdoors when the weather is too hot and humid, or too cold.

If possible, try to find a yoga teacher near you.

Find the best YOGA Treatment - Cure for Diabetes.

Find best YOGA Treatment - Cure for Asthma.

Did you know YOGA Treatment - Cure through Yoga.

Visit and find YOGA - What is Yoga?

Visit if you have interest in knowing the Yoga History - Information about Yoga - History of Yoga.

Get the complete details about YOGA - Origins of Yoga.

Do you know what is Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras - Eight astanga or limbs of yoga - Yoga Sutras by Patanjali

It's time. How to start Yoga?

Find the usefulness of YOGA - Exercises as YOGA - YOGA EXERCISES.

How to avoid stress? Get YOGA - Breathing and Relaxing for Stressful Situation.

Do you know what is chakras? YOGA CHAKRAS - The Seven Chakras

Visit and find about YOGA - ASANAS - Hatha Yoga.

Find some YOGA Sitting Postures - Basic Yoga Sitting Postures with Benefits.

Know some Yoga Postures - Basic Yoga Postures and their Variations.

More YOGA Posturing: Introduction about YOGA Postures.

Find details about Yoga and Common Sense - Fitness for the Unfit.

For Relieving Stress, YOGA - Cure for Modern Day Stresses - Strees Management by YOGA.

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