Thursday, May 22, 2008

Akashic records - Famous files of Akashic records

Akashic Records and famous files of Akashic Records.

There are a lot of people who feel that they have had a true experience with Akashic records. You will find that that one of the most popular or better known account is that of C.W. Leadbeater. He had his read in 1910 in India.

Later on, he went to share his experience in a book that he wrote. He has accounted his experience with akashic records to be one that could only be written in a story. This book, “Man: How, Whence, and Wither?” has become apart of history as well as apart of many philosophy classes. It will be apart of the future for Earth and the future societies that will develop.

You will find that there are other believers and readers like Edgar Cayce. He came with the thought that each person is held accountable for their decisions, rather it is by justice or Karma. You will find that with the Akashic records you will confront many of your personal flaws.

Basically, he gives you a reason to believe that Karma plays a bigger role in life that most first consider. You will also find that it can be compared to almost a biblical sense. The records tend to be a book of life, your life. You’ll be judged regardless if you make it to heaven or Hell.

Then there is Ervin Laszlo. His book was named “Science and the Akashic Field and the Renactment of the Cosmos”. His findings are based on the fact that there is a source of energy that flows; rather it is positive or negative.

There are a lot of men and women who have studied the art of Akashic record.

You’ll find that this tradition goes back many years and through many myths.

Keep in mind that with Akashic records, you will be able to find yourself and also you’ll be able to continue to see your own growth.

Keep in mind that there is some profound healing and some enlightenment needed in order for you to access your truth life plan.

To know more about the details of akashic records

To know more about karma and akashic records

To know more about akashic reading and the believers and non believers thoughts.

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To know more about how to see your aura? and the technique to see your aura.

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