Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Daily Angels - Everyday Angels - Today's Angel

Daily Angels - Everyday Angels - Today's Angel

Angels are part of our daily lives. Would you belief that there are angels believed to be a major force for each month and day? What are the characteristics of these angels? Let us take a look.

Monthly Angels - Angel for a particular month:

Angel Gabrielhe is the believed to oversee the month of January. In Islam, he is regarded to be an Archangel and the deliverer of the Qu’ran to Muhammad. He is also referred to as the spirit of truth. He is called the Angel of Resurrection.

Angel Barchiel- he is the angel for the month of February. He is called as the “Bringer of Hope.”.

Angel Machidiel - for the month of March, it is Angel Machidiel. Literally, the name means “Fullness of God.” He is associated with stamina, courage and bringing cheer. He is also known to be the Angel of Courage.

Angel Asmodelhe is the angel for the month of April. He is often referred to be the Angel of Patience and brings the spirit of rebirth.

Angel Ambrielthe guardian for the month of May. He is the guardian or angel of communications. This is not about communication, like in a cellphone. It is about awakening or getting in touch with the inner truth.

Angel Muriel- is the guardian or angel of Emotions and rule over the month of June. He encourages emotional awareness and urges close emotional relationships like friendship and family ties.

Angel Verchiel- the angel for the month of July is actually the Angel of Affection. He brings the gifts of nobility, affection and a generous heart.

Angel Hamaliel- the angel for the month of August is the Angel of Logic or Perseverance.

Angel Uriel- he is the angel for the month of September. He is called as the Angle of Ministration and Peace. He restores peace, especially with the painful memories and past.

Angel Barbiel- the angel for the month of October and also known as Barakiel. He is an angel that can grant success, fortune and luck. He is also a very jovial and happy angel.

Angel Adnachiel- the angel for the month of November is also the Angel of Independence. He is also known to be the Angel of Humility.

Angel Hanael- the angel for the month of December literally means “glory”. He delivers or takes our prayers in a higher level and make sure that they are answered.

Daily Angels

Aside from monthly governing angels, there are also seven angels for the week. Some could be the same.

Here are the following daily angels.

Angel Michaelis the angel for Sunday. Archangel Michael’s name literally means “like unto God”. He (Angel Michael) has the rule over rain, wind, fire, thunder and lightning.

Angel Gabrielis the angel for Monday.

The picture is a Greek Catholic icon of the ar...Image via Wikipedia

Angel Cameal/ Camael- the angel for Tuesday. He is the angel for pure love. He can raise depressed and sinking spirits.

Angel Raphael- his name means doctor or healer, he is also called the “healing power of God”. He is the angel of Wednesday.

Angel Sachiel - the angel for Thursday has a name which means “the covering of God”.

Angel Anael- the angel for Friday is also called the Angel of Air sometimes he is referred to as the Angel of Love. He actually caries a bow and arrow for enamouring other people’s hearts.

Angel Cassiel- the angel for Saturday and the Angel of Temperance.

Get complete details about Angels And Religion.

Get Complete details About Angels.

Visit and Know Angel - What is An Angel?

Find about Angels - Are Angels For Real?

Visit Angels - Complete Details about Faithful Messengers in Different Religions.

Find the Facts About Angels.

Get the answers about Angels - Why are There Angels?

Wow - Angels - Amazing Facts About Angels.

What is Angelic Kingdom - The Concept of Angels and the Angelic Kingdom.

Get more details about Angelic Kingdom and the Ideas behind the Kingdom of Angels.

Did you know the Angels Ranks? - Angels and Their Ranks.

Find more about Islam and Angels - Allah's Servants: Angels in Islam.

Complete details about Angels as Mystic Messengers - Angels in the Bible.

What about Angels in Bible - Biblical Facts About Angels.

What are the Daily Angels - Everyday Angels - Today's Angel.

Did you know What is Angelology - Knowing Your Angels - Study of Angels.

Know what is Guardian Angels - Your First Ideas about Guardian Angels.

Did you know the Guardian Angel Concept - Basic Ideas about the Concept of a Guardian Angel.

Complete details about Guardian Angels - How to Find Out More about Guardian Angels?

Know more about Hearing The Angels Voices: How to talk with Angels?

Visit and Understand The Angel Connection - How to communicate with your angel?

A good guide to Children and Angels - How to Open Your Children's Eyes to the Concept of Angels?

Do you want to know some Angel Stories - Knowing More about Angels through People's Stories and Experiences.

Get some interesting information about Angels and Media - How Mainstream Media Affected People's Views about Angels.

Get latest information about Angels on TV And Movies - Working For Someone Higher Than Charlie: Angels on TV And The Silver Screen.

View the main Angel - Daily Angels with Angelic Kingdom - Guardian Angel index page.

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