Astrology Chart - Natal chart - Horoscope - Birth Chart
Introduction about Natal Chart:
Mark Twain once said: The difference between a good word and the right word is like the difference between fire and firefly. Similarly, your popular horoscope may hold some hints of truth, but your natal chart tells us the real story of your natural personality.
Analyzing Natal Chart:
Analyzing the planetary positions and relationships in your natal chart affords a remarkably profound and revealing glimpse into your natural character, with its inherent strengths and weaknesses. Among other things, your natal chart will tell you:
A) what type of partner and relationship you seek and will be best matched with,
B) what type of job or career your natural strengths and weaknesses are best suited for, and
C) obstacles that need to be overcome in your life.
Most importantly, your natal chart will help you to understand your desires, motivations, and why you are the way that you are.
For a natal chart to be accurate, we must know the exact positions of the stars at the exact moment of your birth.
Since the houses of the zodiac revolve one degree every four minutes, an accurate time of birth is necessary to determine your Ascendant sign and some planetary aspects. Although you can generate a natal chart without these highly time-sensitive positions included, to have a more accurate chart that is generated with an exact time and place of birth.
Do you believe Astrological predictions - Strength and Weakness of Astrological predictions.
Find the details about Astrology Origin - Origins Of Astrology - Babylonians - Babylonian Astrology.
Did you know what is Astrological Sign - Ascendant sign - Rising Sign - Zodiac Sign?
Find How to live harmoney with cosmos using Astrology - Medicine - Astronomy?
Visit complete details about Astrology - Introduction about Astrology.
Get some complete details about Astrology - Indian Vedic Astrology.
Did you know the Astrology Elements - Elements in astrology.
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