Saturday, November 29, 2008

Kriya Yoga Lessons

Kriya Yoga - Lessons:

A sincere spiritual seeker who follows the path of Kriya Yoga with love and devotion and a desire for spiritual growth can attain Self-realization.

Already I posted about the introduction class on Kriya Yoga on October 2nd in Madurai. I attended the class with my friends and we joined.

Today I've got my first lessons in kriya yoga.

If anyone wants to join in kriya yoga,

Here is the address for communication.
Yogoda Satsanga Society of India
Paramahansa Yogananda Path,
Ranchi - 834 001.

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Find some meditation techniques from here.

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Know more about gayatri mantra chanting with meaning for gayatri mantra.

Read for more information about pyschic power - an introduction to psychic power in this post.

Read here to know the techniques to develope your intution.

Know more about aura and human aura details from here.

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Monday, November 03, 2008

Yoga techniques – An Introduction about Yoga techniques

Introduction about Yoga Techniques.

If you are doing yoga, there are some yoga techniques you need to understand and apply.

No one can run away and be free from major illnesses so the best way to get away with it is to exercise in order to maintain good health.

Yoga for Fit and Healthy:

Yoga is considered to be the most effective way to stay fit and healthy.

The best thing about yoga is you can have it at home or anywhere you want it.

You also buy your time because you can do it any time of the day.

A lot of people prefer doing yoga to maintain a good and healthy life.

Fitness is important in doing yoga.

Yoga techniques are helpful in maintaining good organs and other parts of the body such as the muscles, joints, glands, tissues and vital organs. These are the main focus of setting yoga techniques.

Here are some yoga techniques that you can practice during your yoga session. Despite your busy schedule or the crowed place you stay at, keeping up with these yoga techniques will help you go through it.

Five yoga techniques:

The five yoga techniques include: posture, relaxation, meditation, deep breathing and movement of joints.

Each technique has its own role and function.

Movement of Joints(sandhichalana):

The movement of joints is called the 'sandhichalana'.

This is one of the yoga techniques that focus on the joints.

The joints undergo full movements which include the movement of the hands, movement of the neck and the movement of the lower limb.


In relaxation, there are some yoga techniques that will deepen your concentration and prevent your attention to be drawn easily. Rather, now withdraw at all.

Hong-Sau technique:

The Hong-Sau is a Yoga technique that helps and focuses on the latent powers of your concentration.

This technique helps you to release thought and fight all distractions s that you can concentrate on the problem you are targeting.

This helps you to develop Divine Consciousness which is from within.

Aum Technique:

The Aum Technique expands your awareness which is beyond the limitations that your body and mind creates.

This helps you maintain a powerful meditation and gives you to personal experiences of what Divine consciousness brings.

There are some ancient yoga techniques that you can apply. Although there are a lot of yoga techniques to choose from, applying these techniques might not be easy for you especially if you are a beginner.


In getting concentration during the yoga session, you can boost your awareness by thinking clearly of some creative ways on how you can be attentive in all situations.

You should be able to figure out what makes you feel tense and how to release it.

After the heavy day of work, you should find new ways on how to stay peaceful and calm. Concentration is your best tool and guide.

Stress Release:

The main objective of these yoga techniques is how to create your awareness for a satisfying relaxation.

You should be able to find out how to effectively release the tension inside your body and where to release it. In order to do so, your mind, body and spirit should be at a high level.

Techniques are of course helpful but these are just a matter of front if you can’t apply it. The best way still is to have your own yoga techniques that will help you go through the process successfully.

Find more information about Yoga and Meditation

Find some meditation techniques from here.

Know more about gayatri mantra chanting with meaning for gayatri mantra.

You can get more details about cosmic meditation and energy body.

You can get more information about psychic and in-depth information about psychic power.

You can get free cosmic healing.

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Sunday, November 02, 2008

Yoga videos for yogis - Advantages of Yoga Videos

Advantages of Yoga Videos.


Yoga is one of the many forms of exercises that have influenced millions of people around the world.

Unlike yoga classes it is also time efficient for all of us.

This is because you can practice yoga anytime you like unlike from classes, which has a definite schedule.

Yoga Videos:

It is also much convenient because they are always ready whenever you are.

In these said videos we could also practice with renowned teachers in yoga and we can feel its thrill to practice with them.

Bryan Kest:

One of the best power yoga instructors is Bryan Kest.

But even if his studio is in California and even if we live in far places we could still practice with him by using his videos.

We could also choose which yoga practice we should do and base it in what we need at a specific time.

It might focus on stress reduction, one that helps our upper body, or one that helps build our core.

It might also focus on what suits our physical situation such as pregnancy yoga or yoga for seniors.

And lastly in this practice of yoga videos we could modify the yoga postures according to our physical conditions.

For example if we have an injured foot and we can’t put any pressure on the front of it we should modify a number of poses such as the Plank Pose ( in where we need to put our knees down so we wont bear our entire weight of our body on our forefoot only).

Sometimes it takes a lot of extra movements to get into our desired positions because of our injuries especially if we are on a regular class with other persons.

Moreover, Yoga videos offer variety and assortment. One can easily get bored doing the same practice over and over again for how may sessions.

interest and enthusiasm for yoga:

The interest and enthusiasm is lost when there is a lack of diversity and mixture.

With these Yoga videos, one can choose and pick from a variety of videos that would perfectly fit one’s mood or condition. After all, Yoga is a form of relaxation and mediation, and not an irritating activity or past time.

With these yoga videos, one can enjoy his or her own favorite posture or physical exercise. And you can play them or practice them as long as you like without restrictions and delays.

You get to choose when and where you want to do it. Aside from that, you get to enjoy and feel like you really are relaxing and you, feeling the essence of Yoga. Some say it’s like being in heaven ahead of time.

As a result, you will find comfort and enthusiasm that really has to be felt during Yoga activities.

Aside from that, getting and preferring these Yoga videos save time and effort.

Some people may not really have enough time and have hectic schedules so this videos are just a few steps away from you plus, it is very convenient to carry almost anywhere without ease.

Moreover, going to a Yoga class adds up to a few hours to go there and getting there on time is quite difficult.

Finding a parking space, registering and getting space in class is also troublesome. Sometimes, you end up wasting your time and effort being there without much satisfaction at all.

Find more information about Yoga and Meditation

Find some meditation techniques from here.

Know more about gayatri mantra chanting with meaning for gayatri mantra.

You can get more details about cosmic meditation and energy body.

You can get more information about psychic and in-depth information about psychic power.

You can get free cosmic healing.

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Saturday, November 01, 2008

Yoga Clothes – How to choose the best clothes for yoga?

How to choose the best yoga clothes?

In choosing the perfect yoga clothes, of course they should be comfortable and made to give you a relaxing effect.

1. The best yoga clothes are those that allow you to freely move and prevent instances of distraction and disturbance when you are having your practice.

2. They need to feel good on your skin so that you will be free from irritations.


Yoga clothes are an important accessory because it sets you into the mood. If you don’t have the perfect set of yoga clothes, your day of practicing will be not be good.

Absorbent clothes:

During a heavy practice, it is expected that you will sweat too much.

Some people don’t really sweat too hard but if you do, you should wear absorbent clothes so that the sweat in your body will be minimized and give you a dry feeling.

When you are all covered by sweat, you will have that sticky feel which keeps you uncomfortable and sometimes feel scratchy.

Attractive Yoga Clothes:

Although yoga clothes don’t need to look that good, it is still important that you wear attractive ones so that you will have a good look and feel.

Confidence is also an affecting factor in practicing.

If you wear good yoga clothes, then you will not feel discriminated.

So choose the best clothes that will match with your personality.

Shirts and Pants:

In practicing yoga, there is no requirement in choosing your clothes.

If you want to show off some skin, it’s up to you.

If you have a body with good shape, you can wear fitting shirts and pants.

If you don’t have that figure, but think that you have the guts, no one will scold you.

After all, you’re the one who carries your body as long as you can handle it.

Here are the common things you need when looking for in yoga clothing.

Common Yoga Clothes:

Yoga Tops – first thing you should consider in choosing a yoga top is that it should not fall in your face.

Yoga Tops are designed to let you move freely and not be distracted when doing the exercise.

If you are going to wear tee shirts, it should not be that long and should not cover the lower part of your body.

This is important in checking the alignment of your lower body because you can see whether your knees and ankles are aligned properly.

Most women wear sports bras so that in doing some movements, they are sure that it holds them securely and prevent chances of falling out when stretching.

Yoga Pants:

Yoga Pants – Choosing your yoga pants is quite delicate.

The texture and surface of some yoga pants may not give you a comfortable feel.

The length of the yoga pants is one of the things to consider in choosing it.

Some yoga pants are long that it reaches your ankles.

If this is not comfortable to you, you should wear pants that are below your knees.

This allows you to move freely.

Yoga Shorts:

Yoga Shorts – this is a good choice if you are practicing hot yoga or known as the Bikram Yoga.

This type of yoga (hot yoga or Bikram yoga) is done in a room at a high temperature.

Wearing shorts will let go of the heat inside your body.

Choosing your yoga clothes doesn’t mean that it has to be expensive. What is important is that you feel good and comfortable deep inside.

Find more information about Yoga and Meditation

Find some meditation techniques from here.

Know more about gayatri mantra chanting with meaning for gayatri mantra.

You can get more details about cosmic meditation and energy body.

You can get more information about psychic and in-depth information about psychic power.

You can get free cosmic healing.

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